Thursday, October 14, 2010

Where to Start?

I've been a stay-at-home mom for about five months now.  It's been quite a whirlwind.  They say having a baby changes everything and, well, that pretty much sums it up.  Everything was different once K arrived - California just didn't feel quite right anymore (not that it was ever really home).

I quit my job as an engineer in the public works department of the City of Indio, Andy packed up i85Media, Inc. and we moved back to Atlanta and back into our aging townhome that we weren't able to sell back when we left for California in 2007.

Returning to Atlanta in the fall has been glorious. It reminds me of fall 2002 when I first came to Atlanta as a freshman at Georgia Tech.  So much has changed in the past eight years!  It's been great to reconnect with old friends and explore all that's new and exciting in Atlanta (more on that in a future post).

Anyway, we've finally settled in to a manageable routine! Yay! Having new-found freedom during nap time and increased mobility since a 5 month old is easier  (read: less scary) to transport than a newborn,  I'm ready for a hobby!  I've never really had  In my search for a hobby, I realized a few things... 
  1. That all of the cool moms have blogs.  So, clearly, I need a blog. 
  2. Everyone who has a blog has such pretty stuff, maybe blogging will make me see my stuff in a prettier light? 
  3. For all of my dreaming about a hobby, I still don't know what I want my hobby to be. I have a few ideas.  I'm going to try sewing, cooking, a bit of home improvement and decorating, maybe some photography and, by default, some writing.  I've never been a fan of writing, I prefer numbers but I'm going to give it a go!

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