Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Mom Thing...

I constantly feel that I am woefully unequipped for motherhood.  You would think I'd have it down by now.  

I have a messy house, live in the shadow of a laundry pile, and have a perpetually empty fridge.  I feel like I work way to hard to have so many loose ends.  I can't leave the house with out forgetting something or everything. 

Other moms seem to have it together.  My friend A has a five year old and three year old twins (twins!) and she works all day at the craziest job ever and her husband travels a lot and SHE manages.   Why can't I get it? 

Life was much easier when I went to work everyday.  This stay-at-home mom stuff is for the birds!


  1. I COMPLETELY understand. I feel like everyone else has it together and I'm just failing. So at least know that you're not alone :)

  2. I understand! I always imagined that when I quit my job to stay home that everything would be perpetually spotless, but sometimes it seems dirtier than before. You might be interested in my blog- seems like we have a lot in common!
